Be Creative. Mystery Plan Revealed.

Education is an Important Key Component of Business Success for those in the Neighborhood Online and Off

The Big Apple Awards are a way of noting and thanking outstanding educators, small businesses and others in the neighborhood.

One educator who is sharing his knowledge is an individual who has the stage name of Dr. Doer. The moniker “Dr. Doer” is a fun and tongue in cheek way of stressing the importance of being a “doer.” And although there is nothing wrong with just dreaming, when you are a doer, it means being able to make those dreams into a reality.

The Blog Coalition is Assisting in the Spreading of Knowledge on Such Topics as Marketing and Communication

The Blog Coalition is helping Dr. Doer to get his message out through participation by 5 Coalition blogs. T


The Remaining Steps Can be Found on 4 of the current 57 Sites of the Blog Coalition

This is a very short step and section, but, that said, if you are ready for it and follow the steps, they will likely assist you with staying on the Doer Path.

Don’t Talk Yourself Out of Success.

It can be just as difficult to not follow your dreams as it is to be on your Doer Path. When you do not take steps toward what it is in life and work that you are truly seeking, you run the risk of have that unsettling feeling of disappointment in yourself.

So, What Now?

Enter Dr. Doer. Through five websites, one at a time, he is presenting his 5-step approach to marketing and communication, helping small businesses to succeed in this environment of COVID. Each of Dr. Doer’s steps have sub steps which are tactics such as the following Step 1, expressed as A, B, C, D, and E. Let’s start looking at the tactics of Step 1…


Take stock of I who you are, II what motivates you, III what gets in the way of you being motivated, and IV what is your overwhelming want, need and desire in terms of scenario that you want to have a job doing, and finally IV if it were possible you would become an entrepreneur and build a business around it that would fill you with a belief that you will be effective, plus assured of undoing your negative past and instead doing this first A, and then the B,C,D, and E components. Please do this.


Again, we ask you, are you ready for this Tactic B? Did you complete the first “A” assignment? If not, please do it and then return here. This step is about taking the work-in-progress list you made in Step A Look Within and rewrite it again and again until it is a series of ideas, one on top of the other, maybe even being numbered or alphabetized.


This is a big one. This is not your larger picture strategy per say, but it is about starting to look at how you would ideally get from HERE to HERE. At this moment, even if you are not fully confident that you could yourself do these steps and believe the are for doers and you do not see yourself as a doer, write the list of actions to take to achieve all the things you worked on in Tactics A and B. In short, the concept is to begin to carefully examine some of the real-world movements forward you will need to do to get to the place you want to go.


You have likely heard the saying “You don’t know what you don’t know.” That is a notion we are going to pursue now. Can you figure out what you need to know but don’t know what it is you need to know? A bit complicated yes, but you can figure it out if you try. Tactic D is all about doing research regarding the action steps you have listed. It is as doing a search for each of your action steps. What comes up regarding these search engine searches? Then study the resulting information going through at least 5 of the sites and take note of what they are doing and does this impact your action steps in any way? Again, hard to know what you don’t know, but doing research could trigger a revelation for you. An aha moment you are seeking. The goal is to spend as little money as possible while putting together your entrepreneurial venture to bring in the cash, but what some might do is hire a virtual tele success coach who could help you uncover the at first secrets and then potent info. This aspect of this tactic is not one hundred percent necessary to involve a coach, because if you work toward surprising yourself with fresh usable ideas, YOU WILL!


Okay, if you have gotten this far and actually gave your one hundred percent to the preceding tactics A, B, C, and D, then you have a stack of notes at different stages. This is the data processing moment, the key here is to do a final blend of everything, at least for this moment of time. Maybe your early notes had fresh and vital info. This happens all the time, because sometimes the first things you find are the most useful in the end. But this does not always occur, so don’t overly look for this. Give yourself the power and objectivity to go through everything and finally create your GAME PLAN! Yes, YOUR SECRET MYSTERY GAME PLAN FOR SUCCESS IS FINALLY REVEALED! And guess who did the planning and the revealing? YOU of course! Congratulations! But there is more to come, but YOU CAN do it! You are a doer! Dr. Doer would be very proud of you! And it is as if you just won the Big Apple Awards trophy for successfully doing Step #1 of 5. This means you are ready for Step #2. But again we say to you dear friend, if you HAVE NOT done “Step #1 Tactics A, B, C, D and E,” then please do not move to Step #2.