Even the “Ask AI Guy” Does the “Delegate to AI” Approach
In today’s fast-paced world, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent in various industries. For small businesses that cannot afford a marketing and business team, the concept of being able to Delegate to AI has become an attractive option. Delegate to AI on the Ask AI Guy website is looked at in […]
METHOD HOW to Stop Being One of the “Businesses in Need” by Learning about the Educational Process as a form of Marketing Via Creating Your Own eBooks and Online Courses
The Big Apple Awards focus primarily on educators. And one of the biggest wins for small business owners is to learn from the education approach. Think of it this way. Especially if you have a product or service that requires a slight learning curve to actually use what you offer, this is a chance to […]
Update on Work-in-Progress METHOD HOW to Find Audience Members for Your Awards Show
METHOD HOW to Do Things Like Starting Your Own Awards Show are Coming Have you ever thought that you might want to develop your own awards show like the Big Apple Awards? The Big Apple Awards has built up a following over time, but there are ways you can get audience members faster, which could […]
Don’t Burn Up Your Potential and Learn Instead
Ok, we have established you are smart and that there are ways you put yourself emotionally at risk. But one area we have not considered is that of having your own conspiracy theories of why the things are happening to you the way that they are happening. Doing this kind of investigating and looking into […]
Educators, Small Business Owners and those Starting a Business, Your Secret Mystery Game Plan for Success is Finally Revealed!
Education is an Important Key Component of Business Success for those in the Neighborhood Online and Off The Big Apple Awards are a way of noting and thanking outstanding educators, small businesses and others in the neighborhood. One educator who is sharing his knowledge is an individual who has the stage name of Dr. Doer. […]
How to figure out who your niche audience is
Putting it in context. For those of you who have found yourself on this, the Big Apple Awards site, for the first time, to give you some backstory, the Big Apples Awards is the outgrowth of the now closed after ten years, annual awards event known as the Platinum PIAs. The premise of the PIAs […]
Awards or Education?
Change of Plans We considered creating a new awards show (Big Apple Awards) that would put a positive spotlight on those who are outstanding educators. Our plan was to celebrate teachers who were making a difference in the lives of their students, their communities and beyond. But as we delved deeper into the process of […]
Yianni Stamas Examines What January 4th is Now Known As
A Special Day The Big Apple Awards recognizes those who have made a difference throughout history. Today, January 4, is the date of Louis Braille’s birthday. The United Nations recently made today’s date offically to be known as World Braille’s Day because Louis Braille invented Braille which is the method by which blind people are […]
Bringing Our Country Together
Transformation Although it seems impossible, if everyone was to focus on giving in a bit on their views and in some cases hate, we can transform the country. The People Speak? We are hoping that tomorrow you get out and vote. We know we will. Some say “why vote?” The answer is obvious. The reason […]
Apple for the Teacher?
The Big Apple Awards is the educational division of the Home Business Awards. One of the things that we encourage educators from all over America to do is to potentially work the ideas of entrepreneurship and home based businesses into their curriculum if these topics are not already. The truth of the matter is that […]