The Big Apple Awards is the educational division of the Home Business Awards. One of the things that we encourage educators from all over America to do is to potentially work the ideas of entrepreneurship and home based businesses into their curriculum if these topics are not already. The truth of the matter is that we live in a different world from less than half a year ago.

The workplace has changed a lot. This includes remote workers and those that got laid off or lost a business, usually because no solution was found for “Digital Transformation. Wikipedia describes Digital Transformation as as

“…The use of new, fast and frequently changing digital technology to solve problems. It is about transforming processes that were non digital or manual to digital processes.”:

There has always been a need, especially in high schools, for a business focus from an entrepreneurial approach. For whatever reason this area is frequently ignored by educators. This is, quite frankly, a travesty. Remote learning needs to have a focus on entrepreneurship and online marketing!